OK, so here are some pictures I've finally taken of the pieces I have so far. They aren't the best pics but you can see what they are. Some are works in progress and some I'm awaiting feedback and some just sell before I get a chance to figure out either of those things. I guess they work, what do I know. As an artist I think you constantly second guess yourself a quality that annoys most people. Not sure how to shake that off. I once worked with an actor who said "we're always looking for that 'atta boy' and he's right. Artistically I'm looking for my "atta boy" but as a woman I'm quite confident in who I am and what I offer my friends and family. Not sure why the two haven't met yet...
and of course the necklaces that started this whole thing of actually selling them to people.... the Disco Ball Necklace.
Whatcha think?